Tuesday 6 April 2010

Slaughter: secure recovery and support families

Andy Slaughter, our current Labour MP, has responded to the starting gun being fired for the Battle of the Bush by arguing that Labour would secure the economic recovery, protect frontline services and extend its support for families and communities.

He argued that a Conservative party committed to taking billions out of the economy would kill the recovery, hit jobs and put at risk services families in Shepherd's Bush rely upon.

Andy Slaughter said: “The choice is clear for Hammersmith and Shepherds Bush. If you value your Sure Start centre, if you want to protect our frontline services, including schools and police from Conservative cuts then give your support to Labour on May 6. Here in Hammersmith we have had a taste of Conservative policies, under Cameron's favourite council. Cuts in care for the elderly, which they promised in their manifesto not to make. Thousands threatened with the demolition of their homes and destruction of their quality of life. This is the face of the Tories in power - it hasn't changed.

Labour took the tough decisions to take us through the recession and get Hammersmith and Shepherds Bush on the road to recovery. Let’s not throw it all away with a Tory party that would take away support for families whilst offering tax cuts for the wealthiest few

Labour has got the big decisions right. Our priorities will always be jobs, prosperity and higher standards of living for families. The threat from the Conservatives is real. They would cut support to the economy now – choking off recovery and risking jobs, It is only Labour who will deliver a future, fair for all.”

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