Thursday, 6 January 2011

Central Line meltdown

You paid yer £106 you got yer slap in the face. The central line this morning is in complete meltdown due, allegedly, to a fire alert in Holborn. I say allegedly because I heard a completely different excuse being given over the tannoys and Tube staff are not renowned for telling the truth at the best of times - ever wondered why the minutes seem to last longer than 60 seconds on the 'next train' signs? It's so they don't have to pay compensation under the Customer Charter which entitles you to a refund if the train is more than 15 minutes delayed.

Speaking of which, if you were caught up in today's chaos you can claim a refund by clicking here. You might then recover some of that extra cash that Boris has just pinched from your pocket with his fare hike.

1 comment:

  1. "ever wondered why the minutes seem to last longer than 60 seconds on the 'next train' signs? It's so they don't have to pay compensation under the Customer Charter which entitles you to a refund if the train is more than 15 minutes delayed."

    That's a cheap shot Chris, do you evidence for that comment? I was at a meal on the mid 1990s with an employee of LT (as was) and asked him that precise question, as to why the indicator boards were not running in real time and he said "what happens if somebody slips on a banana skin at the previous station?". He clearly meant if you're waiting for a train and it's delayed for reasons not clear to you, then the indicator board has to indicate the likely time of arrival not some fictious time.

    You will say that was 15 years and things have changed but what?
