Monday 4 October 2010

H&F in bid to be "most transparent council"

As you leave our borough, for example to drive over the Putney Bridge, you see next to the sign thanking you for visiting Hammersmith & Fulham another sign which proclaims it's award from the soon to be defunct Audit Commission as "Council of the Year".

Now H&F, continuing its tradition of being the most radical of radical Tory councils in the UK, is bidding to become offically recognised as the "most transparent" by releasing data that goes well beyond the requirements for any local authority to do. I reported here how this sometimes leads to some very dirty eashing being made public, such as significant amounts of public money being spent on private schools, but you can only give them credit for doing this. Whatever your political views surely nobody can argue with making spending decisions completely public.

So although we might disagree with a whole raft of things that they do, gold star to the Council for at least doing the right thing on this one.

Coming as the Conservative Party conference, which I'll be attending, opens you can only imagine that H&F is going to play quite a prominent role in the various debates, meetings and speeches this week - and in the months and years to come. Surely that seat in the Lords for Cllr Greenhalgh might be a fixture of the Queen's Honours List on the way..


  1. In what capacity are you attending the Conservative Conference? I'm just curious, because you usually seem quite left-wing.

  2. oh, this blog is for all shades of opinion! I've attended all three for work but done a little bit of local stuff on the side - see thoughts from Merlene our LibDem former candidate here for example:
