Thursday, 3 June 2010

Oona King: Our next Mayor?

Oona King launched her campaign to be the next Mayor of London in the last few days, along with Ken Livingstone. They're likely to be joined by at least one more candidate vying for the Labour nomination. Despite the overall national result it's fair to say that Londoners stuck with Labour at the last General Election, one reason why Andy Slaughter was re-elected here, and Boris is of course now the encumbent with real questions about what he's done - or more relevantly not done - over the last few years.

So the Labour candidate would seem to have a better than 50-50 chance of becoming the next Mayor.

Over the next weeks and months this will be an election I'll start to follow here, hopefully with comment from all of the main candidates on what they hope to achieve for areas like ours. It certainly won't be as intense as the General Election coverage, not least because the election itself is not until 2012. But it will matter to the Bush - not least because it could radically change the balance of power between our Council and the GLA on issues that affect our daily lives - from parking to the environment.

Interesting times's a snapshot from BBC London:

1 comment:

  1. This writer wants nothing more than for Ken Livingstone to win the Mayorol election,but...See;
