Monday, 2 November 2009

Quiz the Leaders

BoroughSummitDid someone say there was an election coming?!

Hammersmith & Fulham Council have called a Borough Summit for local people where we will hear from, and be able to question, the leaders of our health, policing and other services in addition to Stephen Greenhalgh the Leader of our council.

I always find these occasions amusing for the reaction of Cllr Greenhalgh to the inevitable arrival of Andy Slaughter, our MP who is never invited because he is from another political party but always comes anyway!

But what will make this meeting all the more entertaining, and credit has to go to the Council for organising this, is that it will be chaired by John Humphrys. This of course is the same BBC presenter that campaigned against the Goldhawk Block decision, but whos' letter to the planning committee was publicly dismissed by a council officer as misinformed! I'd say it's pretty brave to ask him to chair under those circumstances!

I will be going and expecting to hear questions about the 'super sewer', the recent decision on the Goldhawk Block and the continued stain on W12 left by our murderous local gang.

You can sign up to come too here. Hope to see some of you there.


  1. [...] of this will make this summit very interesting indeed. Tickets selling fast so I hear [...]

  2. [...] 9, 2009 by chrisunderwood This Borough Summit is taking place tonight and it looks like being a very interesting evening indeed. [...]
