Friday 10 April 2009

Shepherd's Bush Green plans delayed until 2010

the-new-greenLocal residents may have noticed that not a lot has been going on with the Green in recent months, apart from Thames Water fixing a leaky pipe next to the tennis court. Which may have seemed odd since not long ago the Council was showering itself in praise with an announcement that work to regenerate the Green would begin around, er, now.

The Council have just announced that this work will in fact be delayed, and not be completed until 2010 at the earliest.  One of the reasons given is the need to include the area currently occupied by Ginglik the comedy club, which for the time being appears to have won its fight against the Council for survival.

Its tempting to focus on the delays but I have to say the plans themselves do look quite good, as well they should for the £3 million Westfield money that is funding them. But the real question for me, now that I see at least 2 rats every time I cross that Green at about 6.30 every morning, is what will we do about them?!


  1. These artists impressions do suggest some serious tree removal might be included which would be very sad. And what is that foul smelling much the council has spread on the "flower beds" in the last few really reeks!

  2. I know I nearly gagged when I caught a whiff of it the other morning. and then a rat ran across it so it clearly doesnt bother them!

  3. It seems from the plans that 13 trees are to be felled, one of which is the lovely Chestnut at the SW corner and one of the big limes along the South stretch among others. And why do we need another Caff? Are there not enough on the North side of the Green that need the business?

    To view the planning applicaton on the council website go to: ang go to planning and then use the application reference 2009/00758/FR3 to see the full application

  4. are you serious? 13 trees?!
