Saturday, 18 April 2009

Save Furnival gardens!

The view from Furnival GardensYou may be aware that Thames Water want to site a "super sewer" in Furnival Gardens, and appear intent on overriding the Council's wishes to stop them. I have just been down to Furnival Gardens, having never been there before, and was absolutely amazed by the place. See pics below. It is quite simply fantastic. And I'm calling on you to support the Council in their fight to save it.

There can be few places in London, least of all zone 2, with views like these on the Thames with the exception of the SouthBank in central London. And thats the point - with Furnival Gardens we don't need to go into the centre. It's quiet, clean and has stunning views. It even has nice pubs and rowing clubs next to it!

If Thames Water need to build new sewage pipes let them build them on brown field sites with derelict properties or further into central London that does not have a park like Furnival Gardens to ruin. They could of course have built it on a pumping station that they owned, 5 minutes walk from the Gardens. But they sold it to developers to be turned into penthouse flats instead, and think that we should now give up our park.  

I ask you to do two things reader -

1 - visit Furnival Gardens if you never have before, I suspect there are many H&F residents who, like me, simply dont know that we have this on our doorstep

2 - sign this petition against Thames Water's plans and support the Council's fight to save the park.



  1. [...] responsible for leading Hammermsith & Fulham’s fight against the super sewer plan, which as previously reported, threatens one of our favourite [...]

  2. [...] 12, 2009 by W12 I recently encouraged you to both visit Furnivall Gardens and to support H&F Council in their campaign to save it from [...]

  3. [...] to be turned into penthouse flats and are now demanding access to our parks as I reported here to turn them into entry points for the proposed new [...]

  4. [...] against the proposed ’super sewer’ as it will blight Furnivall Gardens. They have been campaigining against it for a long time [...]

  5. [...] but our Council has been running this campaign at our expense for in excess of 12 months. Even I was concerned about losing Furnival Gardens as a result and asked you to back the Council’s campaign, but I [...]

  6. [...] have to say I thought the last straw for our Council on this campaign might be being overruled by their own conservative Mayor. I even thought that this intervention by [...]

  7. [...] Council however launched a populist campaign against it which many of us, including me, supported. But as Thames Water made clear on this blog and at this meeting, many of the facts [...]

  8. [...] big local environmental issue of the Thames Tideway Tunnel – either the impact on one of our local green spaces or the ongoing problem of sewer [...]

  9. [...] to by our Council as the “super sewer crater“. Their campaign against the Tunnel, which I originally supported and called on you to support too, warned of dire consequences for our local parks – [...]
