Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Daily Mail praises tax-cutting H&F

Chancellor George Osborne is urged to spread the practice of our Council in its tax cutting fervour in this article this morning, in another example of how H&F is perceived as the cuttting edge of Tory local government.

I went along to a fringe meeting with H&F Council Leader Stephen Greenhalgh and Chelsea & Fulham MP Greg Hands yesterday evening who debated the question - is council finance radical enough? Mr Greenhalgh simply said "No" and sat down - a joke of course, and he carried on to outline his vision of local authorities that were genuinely free to control their own revenue and in so doing be more responsive to the wishes of their electorates.

A fuller report on that later - it was a glimpse of a side of Mr Greenhalgh that he would do well to show a bit more of locally, it was a thoughtful and interesting agenda. But it seems controversy is fated to follow our Council along with the spotlight that this Daily Mail article shows is not about to go away anytime soon

More on that fringe event later ... for now adieu from Manchester!

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