Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Shepherd's Bush Market: Developers on charm offensive

Word reaches me from some of the traders up in arms about our Council's determination to send the bulldozers in to refashion Shepherd's Bush Market into a new and modern set-up. A man called Mr Horn (yes, really) from Orion the developers has been to speak to the traders on Goldhawk Road who stand to see their buildings, which have stood there since the 1880s, reduced to rubble.

His opening gambit was to reassure - we don't want to demolish you, says he, but "enhance" you. But then comes the detail - this involves a new entrance to the modern Market. Wherefore the entrance asked the traders? Er, right here, says he. So no more Victorian buildings. 

I understand the traders told him to enhance his way out of the front door. 

I've also heard tell of someone from the Council ringing around with offers to cross palms with much silver were they to give up and sell their buildings now. 

I've no reason to believe any of this to be made up, and in fact I heard similar things being done in the last couple of planning disputes too. It's an insight into how our Council and their developers play the game behind the scenes, as well as in the public eye.

None of it remotely illegal - but not quite cricket. 

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