Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Nisa Askew Rd appeals booze ruling: Police ask for your help

Nisa, the most irresponsible local retailer on the Askew Road, is appealing the Council's decision to stop them selling booze 24 hours a day to the various alcoholics who populate the road, usually congregating around the betting shop or the now derelict Sun pub to drink their cans of super strength, vomit and then shout at people. (not necessarily in that order.)

The Council decision followed a popular campaign by Askew Road residents and business owners alike. Nisa's attempt to overturn the decision comes just days after a man suffered cuts to his face after a bottling - opposite a shop selling cheap booze on the Goldhawk Road.

The Police are appealing to local residents to help them see the ban enforced at a court hearing on the 25th May 2011 by supplying their own reasons for not wanintg Nisa to be granted the ability to supply the booze. And it's not just limited to those living on the Askew Road so please don't be put off by that - those people who fill up at Nisa's super strength filling station will of course be free to stumble around W12 in general.

According to Labour attack blog H&F ConWatch, the Police are asking for the following:

The police now want evidence from people with similar experiences. This should be a statement and perhaps also photos or video footage. A diarised statement which outlines problems on a day-to-day basis would be very helpful.

Any objections should relate to one or more of the following four licensing aims:
  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • The protection of children from harm
If you want to ask any questions or submit an objection, please contact Adrian Overton at the Town Hall as soon as possible. His details are:

Adrian Overton, Licensing Officer - Safety & Licensing,
LB Hammersmith & Fulham
Environmental Protection - Public Protection and Safety Division
5th floor, Town Hall Extension
King Street
London W6 9JU.
Tel: (020) 8753 3081
Fax: (020) 8753 3922

email: adrian.overton@lbhf.gov.uk

Frankly I think people on the Askew Road should start an immediate boycott of Nisa and I'll be coming back to that theme in the coming days. But for now, just consider the irony of Nisa - who want to make money off the back of problem drinkers at 4am - being just doors down from very reputable trader Askew Wines.

The difference between the two couldn't be more stark - Askew Wines was effectively put there by the business nous of its owner who bought the place when the old Bottoms Up went bust, and with the full support of local residents who now have a classy shop adding to the ambience of the road.

Nisa, on the other hand, is a cheap and nasty chain that seems intent on offering cut price booze to a) put the likes of Askew Wines next door out of business and b) to monetise the alcoholics who are, in my humble opinion, one of the biggest challenges of the area, both to themselves and others.

Nisa clearly couldn't give a stuff about what you and I think anyway so let's go for the bottom line - profit.



  1. I think that is a really harsh assessment of the Askew Road Nisa. I absolutely agree that they shouldn't be given a 24-hour booze license but to say it is 'cheap and nasty' is grossly unfair. The fruit and veg selection is better than any other shop on Askew Road and it is considerably tidier and cleaner than Sainsbury's for example.

    Nisa might well be a chain but it is also a franchise. Therefore the quality can vary considerably depending on who is managing each shop. I get the impression that the Askew Road branch is as family-run as any other good local shop. They clearly have pride in it.

    Let's campaign against their late night booze license but please avoid the latent snobbery!

  2. It seems unfair to suggest that all/majority of sales in the late hours are to alchoholics in the area. This may be true for weekdays, however on the weekend there are merely many local people wanting to continue a jolly weekend. This all reads like some Daily Mail-esque fear mongering.

  3. According to www.24houralcohol.co.uk, there are already 24 hour off licences nearby, like the petrol station on Goldhawk Road, so why shouldn't Askew Road have a 24 hour off licence? Is it fair that people who want to buy alcohol at night have to buy it from a shop on somebody else's doorstep, rather than their own?

    Please remember that we live in a 24 hour city and not everyone works 9-5. 24 hour off licences are used by all sorts of people, not just alcoholics and troublemakers!
