Sunday, 31 January 2010

January stats: 40,000 readers?!

This month there were well over 40,000 visits to this blog, another (huge) increase on the month before. Before you (and I) get too excited however there is an explanation for the skyrocketing figures that I should own up to. And that is the runaway popularity of this blog post about the woman who was maimed by Bush rapist Daniel Lynch. 25,232 views of this article alone would account for over half of these views in January, leaving an actual total of about 15,000 views of the blog not counting that 25,000.

That would make much more sense since my total views in December were 11,809 - and readership has been growing month on month by about 2 or 3 thousand per month on average. So that's an actual readership increase of about 3,000 since December. So less dramatic but still good solid growth - and for that I thank all of you.

Most of all though this month for me has been made better by the quality of some of the stories you have been sending through. The Fulham Chronicle featured this police cadet story in this weeks edition - you could have read that on this blog nearly two weeks earlier. The number of stories that appear here and get picked up elsewhere keep growing - as well as those that get studiously ignored by Pravda. If they weren't here (or now in the excellent Fulham Chronicle) you wouldn't get to read them at all. And on the subject of our free Fulham Chronicle I think we compliment each other quite well - I plan on using video a bit more in the coming weeks which obviously a paper can't do - but they can feature them as they did this recent review of a certain Green Party campaign video. This blog also gets featured on The Guardian and Time Out for various reasons too nowadays, which also shows how local sites like this make a real contribution.

Watch out in the coming weeks for a series of more in depth Q&A with the three main parliamentary candidates on their plans for the Bush and also another insight into this story which seems to be hotting up again. I've been talking to Thames Water and others.

So keep the stories coming - and keep coming back. Thanks all.

1 comment:

  1. Good work!
    You're going to be using video? Let me know if you want any help - web video is what I do for a living. Will be doing some local videos myself in the near future - will let you know if there's anything relevant.
