Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Oxjam singles party in the Bush

Oxjam, who will be launching their musical take over of the Bush next month, are offering single Bushers the chance to come along to a pre festival event to find themselves a partner for the takeover, in an innovative singles night on Saturday 8th Oct at the Goldhawk Pub

Here's what their blurb says:

"Are you sick of never meeting new people? And when you do…you have a laugh, they’re fit… and then you quickly hear the ‘my boy/girlfriend…’ line? Boring. You won’t hear any of that at Love & War – one massive party – a party where everyone in the room is unattached. Not on the hunt and in need of silly games, they’re here just for the crack. Nothing more, nothing less. That’s it: One massive party . everyone’s single"

The Promise: One room, Cool DJs, Fine drink, Legendary music, Girls, Boys. And every one of them is single

Bonus: No rubbish games…

Go to and simply click ‘buy tickets’ marked GIRL or BOY (we want to track your gender) pay £10 ticket and help fight poverty around the world. All proceeds go to Oxjam, Shepherd’s Bush Takeover. Turn up at The Goldhawk Pub, Goldhawk Road, Shepherd’s Bush from 8pm and let’s get this party started

*boys, yes, beer will be on tap and you can wear trainers*

**girls, wine and heels only**

**jokes, wear what you like but dress to impress for goodness sake***

Buy tickets from

Door times: 8pm - late / Age limit: 25 and over

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