Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Shepherd's Bush road "most dug up" in London

Today's Evening Standard reports that one of our roads, Richmond Way, is the most dug up in the entire city with the chief culprit being Thames Water. The utility company, who has a hate-hate relationship with our Council, is accused of not even counting the road in its figures.

Our Council do not miss such an opportunity to put the boot in with Environment Cabinet Member Nick Botterill claiming:

We have asked Thames Water to replace the mains pipe on numerous occasions but each time our calls were ignored.
“Our fear now is that the pipe will never be replaced and residents and businesses in Richmond Way will have to suffer recurring leaks and continual road works, especially once the cold winter weather begins.”

What's your experience?


  1. Just round the corner from my place. I can confirm there are roadworks there right now.

  2. The Utility Companies have laid waste to West London for about two years now - bastards.

  3. They are there so often I thought it was Time Team. Every time I see them digging I can expect my mains water to stop and then the electricity goes off at entertaining intervals.

  4. I find it hard to believe that any road could be more dug up than Goldhawk Road recently.
