Tuesday, 30 March 2010

April 22nd: Candidates debate

What looks like being the only other chance now to see the parliamentary candidates debate in the Battle of the Bush is on April 22nd at 1930 at St Paul's Church in Hammersmith. It should be a date for anyone who cares about the future shape and character of the Bush. Entry is free and at this point you do not need to pre-register. If that changes I'll update you.

Some big issues are going to be discussed, among them housing and planning, but also a range of others - I plan on asking about the action that they plan on taking if elected to stick up for local businesses in recession-hit W12. You'll have your own questions of course. But do make an effort to go.

On a lighter note, what on earth is this rubbish poster all about advertising the event?!? They could have done better with an kids after-school club doing it for them!


  1. It is a pretty amateur job, but I hope that people will attend, nonetheless. There are plenty of issues in this borough to air and try to pin them down on in terms of their stance, too many to list.

  2. Hi Guys,

    Just to let you know we've made some new fliers that are less school child ish! (If you want a job done etc)

    Let me know if you want a copy


  3. chrisunderwood1 April 2010 at 17:54

    Hi Dan - well done! If you send me a jpeg to underwoodchris1 [at] hotmail [dot] com I'll post it up here
