Saturday, 22 August 2009

Historic Bush Number 4

Historic fish & chipsFollowing Historic Bush one, two, and three this little fish shop, which is actually just outside the Bush but next to Homebase so well frequented by W12ers, is number 4 in the series. It hasn't been in business for many years, at least not the time I have been here. Its like the place that time forgot with insides that look like a 1940s restaurant and everything left as if the last customer only just left.

Sights like this in London just remind you of how much and fast everything changes - so I wanted to capture it before it gets redeveloped for ever. An ominous sign has appeared on the building from a developer so I fear this one last window into the past is shortly to be closed forever. Anyone know anything about this shop?[gallery]


  1. Just did a quick Google and it's listed.
    So maybe that will help...

  2. thanks - good this new fangled interweb isn't it?!

  3. [...] August I profiled a local business and some historic local sites in and around W12 with a Historic Bush series of [...]

  4. this wonderful building has now be defaced and the entire shop front gone. Was it really listed if so something needs to be done

